Marcus – Homeless Transitional Living Program

Marcus, whose childhood was shadowed by gang violence and housing instability, cherished a simple yet profound aspiration: “The best dream for me is a stable home and a nice family,” he said. “That puts the biggest smile on my face.”

His life at home was tumultuous, often marked by evictions, leading Marcus to rely on the hospitality of friends. “I always worried what friend’s mom was tired of me,” Marcus shared. “I wasn’t trying to invade someone else’s home and have someone else raise me. I just needed a place to sleep.”

Despite being a dedicated student and wrestling team captain, a school altercation resulted in legal trouble and house arrest. Without a stable home, Marcus was temporarily placed in a juvenile detention center.

YOS intervention marked a turning point for Marcus. Through their Transitional Living program, he was provided with supervised housing, basic necessities, and financial support. A YOS case manager guided him in developing life skills like financial management and maintaining a residence. Marcus also focused on mending family relationships and future planning.

Marcus expressed gratitude for YOS’s support: “YOS always made me feel like I got somewhere to go, I got somewhere to stay, I got food to eat,” he said. “They taught me how to manage my own home and ensure I’m financially stable.” Now, with a stable living situation, Marcus can aim for broader dreams.