Youth Intervention Pathways (YIP)

Youth Outreach Services offers various services to Youth Intervention Pathways (YIP) participants, such as meals, transportation aid, hygiene products, resources, and case management services. The program uses a trauma-informed and restorative justice approach to support adolescents. In addition to this, the program provides pretrial services and a diversion program to help young people meet their pre-trial release conditions and access community support. YIP program services youth ages 10-17 years old referred to services by the Chicago Police Department.

Youth Intervention Pathways

  • An alternative to juvenile court or detention
  • A free strengths-based case management service
  • After the Chicago Police Department refers your child, YOS will contact you within 48 hours.
  • Our Service Coordinators will conduct strengths-needs assessments with you and your child.
  • We will assist you in discovering community connections, services, and restorative justice options that are suitable for your family.
  • Life skills development
  • Transportation support
  • Participation incentives
  • Community connections